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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Even after 9/11 (none / 0) (#3)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Dec 20, 2012 at 06:56:41 PM EST
    The Dums were loath to arm pilots. Instead they just wanted to make the doors to the cockpits stronger. They never did think about the bomb in the shoe, the bomb in the crotch or other things like the passangers being slaughtered to the point that when the airliner did land it would be nothing but a flying hearse. People need to wake the hell up. Abortion feeds the culture of death that the Liberal State has foisted upon America. They talk about all the innocents that were killed in Sandy Hook yet we kill hundreds of thousands of innocents each year in the abortion mills that the Left has gifted to America. I guess it just depends to the left which works best for them. It is obvious that the Poser has decided to follow Tiny Dancers advice and never let a crisis go to waste. Take a good look at Chicago and how well gun abolition works. The mayor Rahm Emanuel has decided to deal with the gang bangers by telling them to make sure they just shoot each other rather then innocent by standers. Typical of the left. They can choose what to ignore while using other things to impose their sick perverted political adgenda on America. The ultimate goal of the Poser is clear. To enslave whites as payback for all the terrible this that the US has done.
    Can anyone answer this question? How many children, innocents all, have been killed by Barack Obama ordered kill missions on terrorists in the middle east? Anyone? Anyone? Maybe gun owner Harry Reid or gun owner Diane Fienstien can answer the question.

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