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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    The apocalypse must be nigh... (5.00 / 1) (#1)
    by KG One on Sat Nov 03, 2012 at 11:05:26 AM EST
    ...because I find myself completely agreeing with Mark Brewer.

    Gov. Snyder has a state government to run.

    He doesn't need to ride around in the Nerdmobile Mk. 2, driving around Michigan to "inform us" about the ballot proposals.

    What is even more galling?

    "Wurfel said the governor has not taken an unfair advantage, noting millions of dollars spent opposing the emergency manager law and supporting the five ballot initiatives. Ambassador Bridge owner Manuel "Matty" Moroun alone has spent millions of dollars supporting the bridge proposal."

    Who cares how much Matty has spend on Prop 5 & 6.

    Ms. Wurfel conveniently side-stepping the main issue that Moroun is spending HIS OWN MONEY.

    Last time I checked, that was not the case for Gov. Snyder.

    Snyder Donations

    Nor was there overwhelming support for his position.

    But, if the guv is looking to sell himself for money...I can point him in the right direction.

    Great job on the post, Kevin.

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