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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Good catch, KG (none / 0) (#2)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Jan 25, 2012 at 03:49:38 PM EST
    At this point, I look at it as a breakthrough for any Senate Republican to bring forth the omission that they were wrong to raise the State Income Tax.

    I'm not excusing their passing it, but it sure as hell can't be easy twisting in the wind while Guv Nerdholm is driving his Crony Capitalist agenda down your throat.  Frankly, I'd be a fool not to support any Republican Legislator that is willing to shove Nerdholm back on his heels.

    And ya, I caught the Schuette money-grab thing too.  Obviously he's interested in what most mouthpieces are interested in... more goonionized LEOs on the dole that shuffle lowlifes through the system for rehabilitation.  C'mon, new laws for 4-time felons?  Gimme a break already.

    Between Schuette playing hot potato in Wayne Co as I suspect there being something rotten with the Rakolta and Ficano WCEDC ties and this latest blunder with money that belongs to the taxpayers, there's no way in hell I'll vote for him again.


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