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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Time for a Conservative Party? (none / 0) (#4)
    by Pogo on Fri Jan 13, 2012 at 01:56:27 PM EST
    Quote: "A win by a moderate means a conservative must either bear the sins of the flag carrier, or face the scorn and disdain mentioned already in the next race.  A win by the opposite party, means only a cycle away is a chance to argue a message of principle, educate, and engage true conservative thought."

         Which is a slightly too polite statement of the reason why I'm not going to vote for Romney in November. We've all seen what the semi-Democrat syndrome is, the same results at a slightly slower and less noticeable pace. If a Bush/Romney-type office holder drags this country down with continuing handouts, increasing the $15 trillion of debt, who do the voters turn to for an alternative? Far better to let Obama crash and burn the whole thing, and have an a clear path to reverse the damage afterward. Sooner or later the debt ceiling is going to fall in on us - things that can't go on indefinitely, don't. I look forward to it happening during a Democrat administration, with full credit for policy choices where due. Another possibility to consider would be that, if the convention confirms present trends, this is the right year to start a third party movement, because the presidential race looks like a write-off already anyway.

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