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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    People can say whatever they want. (none / 0) (#10)
    by maidintheus on Sun Sep 18, 2011 at 03:11:12 PM EST
    Play mean. Throw in some back peddling and we have the take away for this thread. I don't mind. I'm a team member who more importantly, is established yet can think for myself. Posting (imo) shows more about the poster than the postee.

    My concern is for those who come here to read what has been posted. I wonder what they will think. If they've just been told what a conservative is via msnbc, they can come here and see for themselves. What will you cause them to see?

    After eating your young, destroying by friendly fire all of your fellow patriots, maybe you can look in the mirror and see what is wrong.

    Just know, this thread is an example of why people quickly grow weary and remain uninvolved.

    When people preach less gov't, more self control but don't practice it, at the least there is a trust issue. Maybe we don't need to wonder why it's like pushing a rope sometimes. This is why websites get monitored (aka more laws) to preserve the intent of the website (aka public good) because users are near sighted and self absorbed (aka lack self control).

    Walks away holding nose.


    Ah, good. (none / 0) (#11)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon Sep 19, 2011 at 11:47:36 AM EST
    I have been paying attention.  It is fact that we did not get here over night.  It's been a slippery slope for years of accepting the line of you know what and just going along to get along.  Case in point?  Candice Miller.  Yessiree, throughout the comment thread Rep. Miller was called out as a Progressive.  The disdain for her "decency" ploy and her staffers propaganda is overwhelming.  Then there is the going along to get along undercurrent comment too.  That's wonderful.  But, it resulted in more of what?  Note Mrs. Pragmatist on the Wall on the left.  Yes, the Wall is on the appropriate side.

    Perhaps, we just have a increment size issue at hand?  As an X'er, I am fed up with mollycoddling those that go the get along path.  On top of that, I really am not concerned with the aesthetics in confronting Progressives no matter which side of the aisle they sully either.  Spurning, ridiculing, jeering... nope.  Doesn't bother me in the least.  So, call 'em socialists... call 'em progressives... call 'em whatever it is that floats your boat; they are on both sides of the aisle and they both suck equally.

    The children thing?  That's a given.  I also advocate home schooling for those that are able to do so.

    So, I guess the real difference being... the size of our steps.



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