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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Well then... (none / 0) (#3)
    by Corinthian Scales on Sun Aug 28, 2011 at 12:11:44 PM EST
    ...let the parent(s) move to within that schools 'compassionate teaching' area.

    Otherwise, p!ss on this idea.  It's just pandering to the Looter and Moocher class that won't get off their ass to better themselves and their community.  Like this wasn't about avoiding the race card play?  Bullsh!t.  It should've been sink or swim with what you had ya losers.  But, no.  Lansing decided to make exceptions for the losers in the City of Detroit with raising a failed Detroit tax base to slow the outflow while business jams their operations within Detroit offering them tax abatement's.  It's a sick game played on those transferred workers.  And, it's all because the MI-GOP went with a Willy Milquetoast liberal douche that only gives a rats ass about making a buck.  Social issues when asked of the A2 Nerd?  Hell, getting a position from him to this date is like getting blood from a stone, well, unless it's along the Brewer Party lines of sucking up to illegal aliens, fellating muHAMmadans and being in the business of the State pushing for Work Visas for foreigners.

    Sorry J-man, but KG hit the nail on the head with this Liberal Ann Arbor Nerd school scheme.


    Looking at this first-hand, I can tell you... (none / 0) (#4)
    by KG One on Sun Aug 28, 2011 at 12:35:29 PM EST
    ...emphatically this is NOT the case.

    I've mentioned before that I have family and friends who have children in those adjoining districts (and some of which I have observed first-hand), you have students at the grade school level cussing at teachers and staff while in the classrooms and halls and doing worse.

    I can tell you for a fact South Lake, East Detroit and Lincoln have got discipline problems that need to be seen to believed.

    Eastpointe for example, has the entire police department dispatched to "shadow" the students almost daily as they leave school around 2:30 and walk over towards Nine & Gratiot to board SMART buses or just walking back into Detroit. They also regularly cause problems at local businesses requiring several squad cars to remain on-site.

    And when they have any sporting events (specifically basketball), do you know how many times the call to goes out for mutual aid because there simply isn't enough manpower to maintain order?

    I don't have any problems with Charters, because they will at least maintain some level of conduct and don't have any qualms about kicking out those who don't follow the rules.

    Publics, on the other hand, are scared you-know-what-less at holding those students to any kind of rules.

    Why should this ever be allowable in school districts outside of Detroit?


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