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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Perhaps, we're talking past each other, KG (none / 0) (#6)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Aug 17, 2011 at 03:51:06 PM EST
    However, I can't take it seriously there's a self-esteem issue.  Damage control?  Perhaps.  Ferchrissake, he's multimillionaire CEO with a law degree.  As I've wrote before, CEO's don't function the way they do because of your feelings, it's about bottom lines.  Is Snyder's Executive Office bottom line going to change overnight in Lansing?  Hell no.  After damn near a decade of the MoleRattler buying votes and using Obama Porkulus monies for the Moocher and Looter class burden in this state?  Not going to happen anytime soon with this legislature.  Does anyone honestly believe that Calley pulled the PPT elimination idea out of thin air?  I don't.  It's been discussed and sitting there for 7 months.  As much as I dislike any elected SEIU lackey, Nofs was right about Personal Property tax repeal being part of a budget negotiation and tax reform.  However, the incremental artists in Lansing are gonna play out the look at what we're doing for you to create jobs in this state without actually reducing any government spending.  

    Bottom line.  Cut through all the bullsh!t in Lansing and say it the way it is.  Michigan residents that work now pay 10.25% tax on products and services from a Corporate C entity and 8.5% on LLC products and services they purchase.  Remember, businesses pass the taxes placed on them along to the consumer.  When the business is no longer able to pass it along, they go out of business or move.  "The poor" don't pay taxes and the metronome chanting Looter class mother government crowd posted in your video doesn't comprehend that.  The issue I take with the Snyder administration is that it's all too willing to pull a look at me move just to say they've done something while f#@% me in the process with more Looter class subsidies.  That's the sort of populous payola stuff that I truly despise, but, CEO's and Chairman do it all the time.


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