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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Keeping up with what's happening... (none / 0) (#3)
    by KG One on Sun Jul 31, 2011 at 11:13:40 AM EST
    ...while trying to take care of the important things is next to impossible.

    The really sad part here is that none of this would've even been necessary had our non-representing representatives done their jobs and lived within their means (Hey, I can dream).

    Barring that, I would recommend combining some items from the "Political Puppy Training" that Mr. McHugh spoke about earlier this week, along with reintroducing something on this site after the Bishop-Dillon-Granholm income tax hike of 2007.

    After that tax hike, there was an area on the left hand side of this site that featured the "Portrait of a tax hiker". Bring that back, but this time, feature the rino's who voted to raise the debt ceiling and keep it up until next August.

    Hopefully, the prospect of having to work harder to keep their cushy job inside of the beltway, might be reason enough to tell the speaker where to go when he calls them into to his office to asks them about selling out their principles and piling on more debt later this week.

    It will also make the job of finding a primary challenger that much easier after people can easily see who supported higher debt and who didn't.

    So, how about it?

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