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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    This is where I'm at with this (none / 0) (#3)
    by Rougman on Sun Jul 31, 2011 at 12:34:59 PM EST
    I wrote this post basically in response to a rather irritating edition of the Laura Ingraham show that I listened to (tape delayed) while I was on the road Friday night.  I'm not much of an Ingraham fan but when in the car I listen to what I can listen to.

    I listened to an hour long lament of the tea party's impracticality when it came to its unrealistic expectations.  We only control one half of one third of the government...blah...blah...blah.

    Ingraham was adamant about the GOP's need to fall in line in order to better our prospects in the next election cycle.  Boehner is doing all that he can--we cannot stick out our necks too far and then become blamed for the fiasco that is the collapsing foundation of our economy.  On and on.  For all her fire, she sounded as if she had complete confidence in the Republican establishment to do the right thing once they get control.

    I do not.  Not even close.  I do not trust Boehner and I do not trust Mitch McConnell, and I do not trust Eric Cantor, and I do not trust that blabbermouth John McCain (the GOP's last presidential candidate) or any of the other bluebloods that want me to be a good little party member.

    But that doesn't mean that I'm not a bit practical too.  I realize that the tea party cannot expect to have any impact on the political landscape if it forms its own party, and if they do such a thing, their foray will essentially hand the government to the fascists on a silver platter.

    From a practical standpoint, the GOP to me is nothing other than a host animal on which I wish to affix my determined conservative proboscis.  Just call me Roug of Borg.  

    John Boehner is not a conservative and never has been.  He is a big time government statist who believes that government, when controlled by a benevolent puppeteer, can provide nearly all things.

    This is antithesis to what I believe government is and should be.  Boehner, et. al., must be assimilated.

    While the tea party has to be proud on the impact it had in nudging the Grand Opportunist Party slightly toward the right, it has to recognize that the work has only just begun, and that as long as tea party supported candidates are still a "practical" part of a centrist led Boehner GOP, our accomplishments will be minimal.  I have zero confidence in a Boehner led party ever getting us a smaller government--his actions over the years clearly indicate that that is not the foundation of his beliefs.  

    The next step of the tea party must be to expand its influence in the GOP and then to dethrone the entrenched bureaucrats that populate its leadership.


    • Agree. by JGillman, 07/31/2011 12:37:50 PM EST (none / 0)
    • We need by grannynanny, 08/01/2011 08:58:00 AM EST (none / 0)

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