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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    The only petitions out there that I'm aware of (none / 0) (#2)
    by RushLake on Fri Jun 10, 2011 at 05:56:19 AM EST
    are being promoted by leftists.

    Signing one of those gets you on their mailing list, but worse then that gives them the sense that they have one's support for the rest of their hate America first agenda. I'm having a tough time justifying signing a communist inspired petition. I don't think any of the RINOs, most especially Snyder, give a damn about what many of us think.

    Snyder got a lot of support from the NOT Taxed Enough Already types who formerly supported TEA Party events for his tough stand on pensions. Those same people are not noticing the cap on the state income tax at a higher level. They won't notice when Snyder and company pull their slight of hand on public sector employee union pensions as they haven't noticed the lack of energy to take on the education aristocrats. They think it's perfectly fine to kick a perfectly good capitalist and his money to the curb and let Snyder build the Rashida Tlaib Commemorative Bridge.

    Your observations are well thought out, to the point and hard to add to Mr. Gillman.

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