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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    mmm (none / 0) (#9)
    by JGillman on Mon Jun 27, 2011 at 10:30:07 AM EST
    Well you know I am hardly one who is afraid of a little attack and controversy, but I understand exactly why he said that.  It wasn't a minimization, just a reflection of what folks in politics might consider one who will never be satisfied no matter the outcome on some things.

    We can bitch about every damned thing thing done in Lansing or we can focus on a few core issues.  Insulting the folks who are closest to us to a point where they roll their eyes and understand we can never be happy doesn't help when trying to pull the ones further away in a bit.

    Present the disagreement and make the argument.  Don't close the door in the face of those who have come to hear you.

    I know Tom.  He has been moving the bar and moving folks in the right direction as long as he has been involved.  Arguably one of the most conservative members the house has seen, yet that isn't good enough?  I am glad he and a number of the others take the time to stop and read what we are talking about.  Just show em a little courtesy, especially when they are far more inclined to advance your positions than some of the milquetoast R's or nearly all of the Dems.

    And let me offer a little tonic for the "minimized" ego, Mr. scales.

    You are arguably one of the most gifted analysts we have posting here.  And this isn't a case of smoke meet a$$.  Your adversarial, dipped in cynicism sauce style actually works. Its no mistake the numbers for this site have been going bananas, and we are looking to set some records yet again for rankings.  Between you, KG, C-1st, and Roug, it wouldn't be a reality.  


    Just concentrate on the worst ones and pummel them.


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