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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    KG... (none / 0) (#11)
    by Corinthian Scales on Wed Jun 15, 2011 at 12:09:49 PM EST
    ...what you seem to be missing is that lockbox slippery slope is part of this demented NGO intrusion filled to the gills with GreenTards that wages war on private property Rights.

    Why would one be surprised with Kamyar Enshayans' quote, "Merit of an idea does not depend on the number of people who hold that idea."

    He's a gottdamned Progressive Envirowhacko employed by a Socialist indoctrination center.

    Kamyar Enshayan is a mechanical engineer with graduate training in agriculture, climatology and solar energy.  He is Director of the Center for Energy and Environmental Education at the University of Northern Iowa.

    And, commie Kamyar says he's finished with Cedar Falls Council and moving on to poisoning more American minds with his Socialist propaganda.

    Kamyars' fellow Clowncil that swallowed his commie university intellectual elitism?  They're screwed and should be tarred, feathered and ran out on a rail.

    Councilman Frank Darrah made a motion to table the issue, which failed by a 5-2 vote. He later proposed creating a study group or task force to review the ordinance, a move that gathered council support by consensus, but was not established by vote.

    "A lot of people have spoken pretty eloquently about it tonight. This is an important ordinance. I feel it deserves more discussion," Darrah said.

    Many of those opposed to the issue questioned why it should apply only to businesses and apartment buildings. If it is safer to have keys in lock boxes, they said, why shouldn't they be required for all buildings?

    Carol Hanson doesn't support lock boxes and thinks people will look to have the decision reversed.

    "Since this seems to be a political hot-button issue, why not allow the citizens of Cedar Falls to vote on this?" Hanson asked the council.

    Many of the opponents pleaded for the council to heed the requests from those speaking against the ordinance.

    "It's not the job of the mayor or the council to judge the merit of an issue, it's the job of the people. It's the job of the council and the mayor to listen to the people," said Travis Biggs.

    Damn straight.  This isn't Socialist Europe, it's America, and each one the enabling elected that chooses to foist upon American Citizens any form of Socialism needs to be booted out of Office.  Being stupid sheeple should be painful.

    Rat bastard commies infiltrating NGO's calling the shots over 'We the People'?  It's beyond disgusting.

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