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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Timing? ROFLMAO (none / 0) (#17)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu May 26, 2011 at 06:32:50 PM EST
    It sure as heck couldn't be any better for this.

    The state of Michigan spends about $2 billion to house about 45,400 prisoners. The state spent about $12 billion to educate about 1.5 million students.

    But students are educated 180 days a year for 7.5 hours a day. Prisoners are housed 24/7.

    Students cost roughly $6.46 per hour to educate. Prisoners cost $5.92 per hour to house. Michigan schools also receive federal funding that isn't included in this hourly rate analysis.

    LOL.  Yep, been saying it for years about prisons, "It's cheap, lock em up."  And, can ya just imagine how much more cheaper our prisons would be if that budget was thrifted by a guy like Sheriff Arpaio instead of the twinks that occupy space in Lansing.  A Tent City in Michigan?  Holy crap!  I'm getting a tingle run up my leg.  LMAO.  Wanna also bet that 30-40% recidivism rate drops faster than Michael Moore's spork after eating an all-you-can-eat buffet outta food?  Thought not.

    Detroit has an inordinately high delinquency and illiteracy problem?  No problem.  Fire them boot camps back up, it's cheaper.  Don't want to go to school and learn to be a productive citizen like the rest of the student body?  F#@% you.  You just earned yourself a trip to boot camp.  They'll persuade you to have respect for yourself, and more importantly, respect your fellow students and citizens within the community.

    Whaddya say Doug... wanna gamble that my theory holds more water in fixing ills than your maligned penis psychobabble?

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