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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    You are so right, KRH (none / 0) (#21)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu May 26, 2011 at 08:54:53 AM EST
    Being honest, I didn't enjoy bringing up all the T'paw info, but I really don't like how the LSM and Party establishment interlopers are pushing for yet another Juan McAmnesty reach across the aisle type 2012 candidate from their field of RINOs.  Mr. Cain, as of now, is the only banner of bold colors in the still needing to be eradicated pale pastels.

    My opinion on Thad McCotter running?  It is preposterous.  He is a guy that just near two weeks ago witnessed Livonia's Hamlet bow out from the overwhelming challenge of running against Sen. Stabenow, but somehow now believes he can unseat a union supporting Obumbles presidency.  Preposterous.  No matter how much McCotter supports organized labor through his congressional vote, his presidency inclination is preposterous.  All of the grandiloquence and sesquipedalian diligence McCotter can summon will only make a sound equipoising that of his unplugged Fendercaster which nowadays only resonates among his membership of progressives that love their ringleading deity of $50 curlique light bulbs.


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