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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Or, most likely... (none / 0) (#26)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri May 13, 2011 at 03:03:45 PM EST
    ...will allow for future broadbased spending.

    When folks start realizing the actual effects of alleged 'tax cut' next year, we'll then see how that works out for Lansing GOP.  Granholm/Dillon income tax rate?  Disparities between taxation of what is classified an Ardesta, LLC and what is a Ford Motor Company?  Classification of what is a taxable geezer and what is a nontaxable geezer?  Jacking around the homestead credit?  Tossing a $100 million to the 'working poor'?  Not even an ounce of energy on Right-To-Work?  Still 4 years of welfare leeches?  Good luck... and with Calleys' deciding vote, Lansing Republican's officially own this debacle.

    I'm also getting more than a little irritated with the repeated haranguing with one vision of how a Republican or a Conservative should be when most that are here didn't vote in the General for Snyder who openly went after Democrats vote in the Primary, of which, we didn't vote for him then either.  Fast forwarding to today, it's not my problem he's getting squeezed between a rock and a hard place and he's taking a lot of the Republican legislature along with him on that ride to the crushing.  Everyone has choices in their associations.

    And, one more thing.  Got news for you... SCREW Grover Norquist and his ATR.  He's an ass that stuck the camel nose under the GOP tent.  Of all people, you should know how that works out.

    So, I guess we'll just say that we disagree, and leave it at that?

    What says you?


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