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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

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      Necessary? (none / 0) (#5)
      by Rougman on Tue Mar 22, 2011 at 06:26:28 PM EST
      Honestly, I don't get it.  Wireless internet is nice, but why on God's green Earth should it be considered a necessity, and even if it is necessary, why should the government provide it?  Dial up is available everywhere for about $12 a month.  

      Up until three months ago I had dial-up.  Sure, it was slow, but it was generally dependable.  I could post to Right Michigan, pay my bills, and could even subject myself to the unending stream of raw sewage flowing from the editorial pages of the Freep.  

      I recently switched to a cell phone and now tether my internet to an unlimited data plan from Verizon.  $30 per month data plan and a one-time $15 charge for the tethering.  

      Download speeds are routinely 10x faster than dialup and now I can even watch Youtube videos of Beyonce getting all funky and stuff!

      Eat your heart out.

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