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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

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      Congratulations! (none / 0) (#2)
      by RushLake on Wed Mar 16, 2011 at 05:47:45 AM EST
      We moved our voting address from (creeping blue) Plymouth Township in blue Wayne County to Lyon Township in Oakland County (God bless Brookes Patterson) last year and have our own contracted trash pick-up. It has worked well, and there are about three choices for haulers. We pay $45.00 every three months for weekly pickup which includes anything we put on the curb. I haven't tried a junk car yet so that may be an exception. It is sold as a means to keep the local government out of the trash hauling business and I like that idea.

      Our own personal choices don't just extend to our choice of trash hauler. It has to do with our basic constitutional right to private property. There is too much intrusion by government at all levels in our lives. Government tells me that I must pay taxes (private property dollars) on my pension in order to pay higher public employee union member pension and benefits which aren't negotiated, they're granted by the government. Government tells me that I can't fill a hole on my private property unless I get permission from some punk at DEQ and pay a fee of $500.00 just to ask permission. It goes on. On a personal level, I've decided that "asking mother may I" isn't going to happen anymore.  

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