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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Talk radio... (none / 0) (#15)
    by Corinthian Scales on Sun Feb 20, 2011 at 10:22:02 AM EST
    ...is still valid and what the Old Media refuses to tell you.

    On Thursday, legislators were advised to return to their offices and lock their doors. Mobs roamed the halls, banging on the glass of the doors, pounding on the walls. No one could move in the halls or enter or leave the building. The glass of the Supreme Court's entrance was broken. Legislators were genuinely afraid. Our elected representatives were afraid. In our Capitol.

    A young female reporter trying to get into the Senate chamber struggled to get through the crowd. She arrived disheveled and upset because she had been roughed up as she tried to get through "Bitch-slapped" the mob told her. A senior senator was spat on. A senator and his female staffer struggled to get into the capitol. He was worried about his staffer because the crowd was grabbing at her and pushing her. University Police were two arms lengths away and did nothing. They, of course, are union.

    Everyone has heard the story of the Democrats fleeing the state (Our slogan: Wisconsin; Illinois is beneath us). Everywhere are signs comparing Walker to Hosni Mubarak.  What is their end game? Overturning an election and seizing our government?

    Protesters spent the night on the floor of the Capitol. A friend of mine said the entire place smelled when she walked in on Friday morning. There was garbage everywhere. This is one of the most beautiful Capitol buildings in the country. The mob had no respect for the place, for what happens there, or for the citizens whose freedoms it represents.

    Fuggin' disgusting.  Prolly a good thing that Governor Walker hasn't deployed the NG yet.  But there is a silver lining to the piggy little children union running wild.

    On the other hand, one of the freshmen (Republican) members of the assembly tells me that the leggies are united and have bonded in a way that would never have been possible in other circumstances. On Thursday night, behind locked doors she said, they wept, held hands, and prayed, vowing unity. Another Senator says she thinks the tide has turned. Another (Repub) answered in response to my question; "This is kinda fun!"

    The Governor stands firm. I understand that there are strategies in place for next steps which will shake up the stalemate....I have known him for at least 15 years, but he is different now. He is a man who has met his time and his place, and he seems to know it.

    Oh hell yes!  Bust their sorry asses.

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