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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    We just moved out of the Plymouth-Canton (none / 0) (#6)
    by RushLake on Wed Feb 02, 2011 at 07:32:59 PM EST
    district after 19 years. Mrs. still drives school bus for the district. The board is the tool of the education aristocrats as are many public school boards in Michigan. As an aside, I believe that a law should be passed making it against the law for any candidate to accept any funding or endorsements from education unions, "educators", their relatives.

    About a year ago, PC Schools proudly announced that it was introducing an afro-centric history curriculum which all students would be required to attend. It would cover the history of africanhyphenamericans from 1890 to present. As many people know, that period includes events such as FDR beginning to pull africanhyphenamericans unto the liberal plantation via handouts, the further destructive great society, and the rise of racist africanhyphenamerican activism among other things. PC schools also announced an initiative to recruit more africanhyphenamericans as school administrators and teachers. They did not specify that they be well qualified.

    It is no surprise that PC schools back pedaled from the decision on the kirpan since Sikhs are a minority in this country and thus to be pandered to. Perhaps they will approve little Akbar wearing his bomb vest to school to demonstrate their political correctness.

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