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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Perhaps I should update (none / 0) (#35)
    by JGillman on Fri Dec 09, 2011 at 07:30:37 AM EST
    that economist argument..

    Any in the last forty years who have been spouting garbage like "debt is good" or asking "how do we pay for those cuts?" Or any of the seriously mental giants who think that "unemployment payouts creates jobs."  The lead eaters in congress spouting that have experts they turn to for such epiphanies.

    As to the missing variables in the equation.

    There is one called "Innovation."

    But it has no identifiable quantity. It is the great unknown.  It may be an efficiency, or maybe a new way of learning that just provides better results.  Whatever it is, the fertilizer called 'reward' tends to make it grow, and the fruit can be quite tasty indeed.

    Some WILL do better than others and perhaps some not as well.  The overall betterment of education is advanced through competition period.  Stoessel's work should be applauded, as it exposes the fallacy that more money equals better education, and that the unions actually want to teach our kids.

    Its about THEM, not the kids.

    Good job Michelle Rhee, eh?  But in the public school environment she cannot do the job without the ignorant masses crying out for their unearned rewards.

    A private for profit operation with competition is going to weed out non performers, and those that are left will be better off for it.  Striving for mediocrity in public education is no longer an option.


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