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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Toughen up, bucko (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon Dec 05, 2011 at 12:23:02 PM EST
    It's a rough world out there, J-man.  Look, if the endorsement is true, let Cain send the alleged adulterer baggage over to a proven adulterer, resigned Speaker that lied about it on court record.  C'mon, sift through the old memory bank and remember a then four-eyed 50-year-old fart banging a 27-year-old House staffer while he was married to his second wife who also cheated on his first.  Oh ya, bring it.

    To use one of Newton's favorite overused catchwords... there's something "fundamentally" wrong with a male unable to keep his vows to his wives and upgrades women to a 23-year younger image in effort to extend his dismal political career.

    To use another one of Newton's favorite overused catchwords... there's something "profoundly" disturbing about a female that will jump in the sack with someone that is old enough to be her father especially when she knew that he was a married man.

    And now Newt is corralling his penniless campaign pony with the celebrity You're Fired guy who by his own marriages has created more U.S. citizenship's for Slavs than the federal government?  Paul, and Huntsman, got this one right.  It's a pathetic joke.

    J-man, do yourself a favor.  Let it go.  Cains' presidential aspiration is over and so with it is the Fair Tax.  The easily swayed herd is manufacturing an Obama vs Obama-lite showdown not much different from 2008.  

    OABTW, ya, Dantonio put on a helluva show at the coliseum for everyone this season.  Looking forward to some bragging rights over Georgia.  Go State!

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