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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Point by point. (none / 0) (#9)
    by JGillman on Mon Dec 19, 2011 at 05:21:02 PM EST
    "are we willing to listen to the answers he might offer?"

    He has to be there to find out.  I realize that YOU do not speak for him, so I would have to see if HE would ask that question.

    "I'm pretty sure that no reasonable person would fault Pete for being unwilling to walk into the rhetorical equivalent of an ambush, especially since some leaders within the Michigan Tea Party Patriot Network have openly threatened to "pour gasoline" on his campaign and then light the match."

    Two things.  
    • One, would be to convince us he is truly contrite for positions held that are anathema to the constitution.  I will not elaborate, if it is necessary, someone has not been paying attention.
    • Two, is that the GT GOP event was quite simply a GT GOP event.  It was not a Tea Party, a "tea party ambush" or even a hostile environment.  Sadly some Hoekstra supporters simply left.  Others stayed and a couple changed their support. The Republicans who stayed for the event, are the grass roots folk who will be the ground game up here.
    Call it what you will, but it was not a net gain for team Hoek.

    "It's fair to point out questionable elements of someone's public record, but only if you provide an honest opportunity for defense.  "

    He, and you, and anyone who wishes to provide explanation for bad votes, missed opportunities, and a flawed perception of what matters to this country has ample space on these pages which they can use.  A decent wordsmith might even be able to change a few minds. I would likely front page at the very least for discussion.

    If those who write are worried about disagreement, then I suggest its time to put on the big boy pants and face the band.  It might be best to not get sucked into some of the ad hominem dialogue, but I am sure that gets figured out quickly enough.  Can't win the game if you don't play, right?

    Bottom line?

    Hiding doesn't look good.  


    With respect, Sir... (none / 0) (#12)
    by Corinthian Scales on Tue Dec 20, 2011 at 09:33:58 AM EST
    I take absolute objection to the following.

    I'm pretty sure that no reasonable person would fault Pete for being unwilling to walk into the rhetorical equivalent of an ambush...

    Rhetorical equivalent of an ambush?  That's bullsh!t.  And bullsh!t needs to take a walk this time around with sniffing at another opportunity to belly up to the taxpayer trough.  It is Legendary Sofa's record we are reviewing here NOT some planted stink bomb.  He did it and he earned it.

    Mr. Heine, what you have offered us here really cannot be considered by any stretch of the imagination as a "different perspective".  Some on here do remember all those wooden shoe side of the state torpedoes that were launched from the USS TARPstra during the 2010 gubernatorial primary.

    Pete's your guy.  We get it.

    The TEA movement should be commended for showing a sherd of sanity with rejecting the idea of another 6 years of the HOEKjoke.

    Point blank - this guy is an a$$hole.

    In the public domain - (none / 0) (#19)
    by Pogo on Tue Dec 20, 2011 at 03:43:40 PM EST
    http://detroitnews.com/article/20111220/POLITICS02/112200359/1022/politics/Tea-party-groups-work-uns eat-Stabenow

    Note that not every single detail in the story is absolutely accurate, but it's the usual average for MSM.


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