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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Appreciated, sir . . . (none / 0) (#20)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Tue Dec 20, 2011 at 05:55:39 PM EST
    . . . but please permit me to clear up a few points:

    The "ambush" point is, admittedly, subjective.  But the fact that there are tea party leaders in this state who have made it clear that they just aren't willing to listen (and the manner in which they've done so) might reasonably provide some cause for concern.

    Secondly, yes, I actively supported Hoekstra in the 2010 Gubernatorial Primary.  I thought then that he was the best of the available field (and I still think that he would have been better than the One Fluffed Turd).  But the office of State Governor and the office U. S. Senator are two very different things; support for one doesn't necessarily translate into support for the other (at least not with me).

    That said, thanks for simultaneously introducing yet another question that I'll be adding to the list that Pete has to answer, and providing a link to information that can be used in his defense.

    I haven't made up my mind in this particular primary yet, and I'm probably not going to until a little closer to the filing deadline.  (Between now and February my focus is on a different primary.)  In the meantime, I'm  circulating the nominating petitions of six of the primary candidates (Boman, Durant, Glenn, Hekman, Hoekstra, and Konetchy) around my neighborhood, and providing my neighbors with an opportunity to make their own informed decision (because that's what precinct delegates do).

    Might I ultimately support Pete after the dust settles in May?  Maybe.  In the meantime, though, I did get an interesting little graphic in my e-mail today from Randy Hekman:


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