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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    But Cain's ability (none / 0) (#7)
    by maidintheus on Fri Dec 02, 2011 at 10:41:38 AM EST
    to handle the silliness has been sorely wanting. What he has needed most is awesome handlers to bring him up to speed. I hope a good one is found and impressed to volunteer their services.

    A parent should never tell the children that the other parent is concerned and bothered the kids being correct. If true, it's discussed away from the kids and never (ever) with the kids. Mama doesn't need to sit down with the kids for an overly soft, "Awww, that doesn't sound like Daddy. The Daddy I know is not mean." That's no way to lead a family and it certainly not a way to stay on top of your presidential campaign.

    Cain has not handled this, "this" has handled him. He should have patiently given a short, pat answer and continued with teaching about things that will be good for the country. His wife should have stayed out of it as much as possible, except for the short, pat answer if someone shoved a mic in her face. Short, to the point, stay on message, smile, wave, it's all good, the truth will come out, we know what we're doing and follow us kids.

    Can he come back from this yes but I'm concerned that he and his team are not equipped with the ability to do it.  

    I'm very disappointed but he's playing into their hands rather than handling their play. The accusers are and will make idiots of themselves but...money isn't his problem right now. Cain must do something other than..you got me, you got me good. For free, everybody wants to get him to talk and Cain hasn't been able to get on top of this.

    I pray that he will revamp and surprise. If he does, it won't be the first time someone has made a comeback so, it's entirely possible.

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