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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    OK, archiespeck, so back to what... (none / 0) (#32)
    by Corinthian Scales on Fri Dec 02, 2011 at 11:44:47 AM EST
    ...was asked of you before.  For discussion purposes I'm willing to work within the framing of your hypothesis that is exactly what the MSM is driving down voters throats, that the GOP Primary is now a two dog show.

    Thus far your blog offering has not persuaded me one iota to consider Romney.

    Perhaps I can offer some help with at least convincing me.  Here's what you're up against.  You need to convince me that a guy who's lived in Massachusetts since 1971, then shows up in Michigan whenever he's running for Office claims to be a "Michigander," who by his own volition campaigned on the Left side of the spectrum since the mid 1990's in an east coast liberal blue-blood state presenting himself to the left of Teddy Kennedy, then as governor decided to circumvent law with legalizing gay marriage, erode the Second Amendment, and by his creation owns what is the template for Obamacare with the guidance of Newt Gingrich's decades long individual mandate agenda.

    There it is.  Now, work it, archiespeck.  At the very least, convince me as to why I'd vote for this guy.

    Oh, and here's an added benefit for you.  There is not a chance in hell that I will vote for Newt Gingrich in the primary or the general.  I am not for a slower form of Socialism, in other words, Teddy Roosevelt Democrat-lite.  That path that Republicans have chosen since George H. W. Bush is worn out with me.  No more.   If the Republican challenger is watered down to an Obama or bust candidate...  Speaking for myself, it will be bust.

    So, again, there it is.  Convince us.

    Work it, baby.

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