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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    George Bush. Thats Why not. (none / 0) (#3)
    by JGillman on Wed Nov 30, 2011 at 11:22:01 PM EST
    GWB was a pretty good guy in my opinion.

    He truly loves this country, and is one of the most loved by the troops who eagerly joined the services to defend our way of life against the islamic onslaught on the West.  A great commander to be sure.

    One thing GWB did however that set this country back, was to take away the moral authority that differentiated Republicans from Democrats.  He showed that no amount of principle was sacred when authorizing the use of taxpayer dollars to be given to private enterprise.  It paved the way for the current usurper to do the same repeatedly, leaving us holding a debt that our kids will never be able to pay.

    Republicans cannot say easily to the public that they are so very different from leftist Dems as long as Bush's, Hoekstra's or Camp's votes to support TARP are in memory.  Part of our argument of principle was taken (ripped) from us.

    Mitt Romney has enough history to destroy what little is left of the Republican differences if allowed to face Obama in 2012.  No debate would be complete without Obama claiming that the Massachusetts health care plan was the basis for the health care debacle we find ourselves fighting today.

    He could have no argument other than the weak 10th amendment argument he has tried already.  Obama would OWN HIM.

    Add to this the insincerity he holds for core conservative values such as Abortion, and gun rights, and he doesn't represent what I view as a strong constitutional platform.


    Having said all that?

    He is a good family man, and I could give a rats behind whether he is a Mormon.  It doesn't matter.

    He doesn't represent me or my core principles anywhere near Cain, Santorum, Bachmann, or Palin.

    And yeah, I threw in Sarah.

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