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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Ya might wanna check your facts first (none / 0) (#8)
    by Corinthian Scales on Tue Nov 01, 2011 at 08:05:22 AM EST
    A flip-flop?  OK, you must mean this.  No?  Is it the vote on an after the Primary 2010 Michigan?  Most likely.  However, if Uncle Squeaky should decide to go the Liberaltarian third Party way after yet another epic fail attempt as a Republican to be president; it will only yield similar Ken Proctor results at best and Obama's second term at worst.

    Face the PaulTard facts of life.  Uncle Squeaky doesn't even carry his own state of Texas in polling data.  Perry doesn't either.  Cain tops them both on their own turf.  

    On your exit question... you really need to clarify yourself.  But, unless you're inferring that Cain is "Republican Establishment," it's Cain who "Party Establishment" is worried about.  Yes, both Party's, and especially Obama and Whatshername Schlitz.

    Worries?  It's not the ever obnoxious PaulTards that either Party cares about.  Third Party even less.


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