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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    It's way past Herman Cain now. (none / 0) (#15)
    by KG One on Tue Oct 04, 2011 at 11:27:58 PM EST
    Herman Cain may have accepted Rick Perry's explanation on this particular matter, but the point of my post is that this is the final straw regarding the Perry campaign.

    Granted he lost his debating mojo several days ago which didn't help him, coupled with his position on illegal aliens (yeah, I'm "heartless" and I admit it), and crony capitalism just to name a few foibles.

    But THIS story is turning him off to the rest of the country by the simple virtue of whom he chooses to associate himself with.

    That sort of thing may be considered cute and may fly in the south where that mindset still exists in some areas, but in the rest of this country, it does not.

    As I mentioned in the tag at the top, all this does is provide ammo to the MSM when they want to portray candidates as racist.

    He can either let his ego get the best of him and become a boat anchor in the coming months, or he can admit that he's not ready for prime time and bow out gracefully.

    The choice for him should be simple.


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