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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Ficano (none / 0) (#1)
    by RushLake on Wed Oct 19, 2011 at 06:40:59 PM EST
    Bob Ficano was the Wayne County Sheriff when we were fighting to resolve issues with the new concealed carry law. I lived in Wayne County at the time. Ficano came to one of the meetings of the Michigan Coalition for Responsible Gun Owners one evening. He told us that he opposed the right to concealed carry, but that it was the law and he would not stand in the way of implementation of the law. At that time we were getting a lot of crap from the County Gun Board, lots of foot dragging, lost applications, finger prints that had to be redone, etc. Ficano introduced a lady who worked for him and told us that she was almost totally full time resolving issues involving the sheriff department and she did exactly that and really blasted thru a lot of those issues.

    I really respected the guy because I thought that, even for a democrap, he had principles. When he ran in the primary for County Executive against a field of africanhyphenamerican trough feeders, it was easy to cross over and vote in their primary for him. The people who run on the Republican ticket in Wayne County are often democraps who want to earn some name recognition or can't get a spot on the 'crap ticket so it isn't difficult to rationalize that it's probably worthwhile to pick the best democrap since you're going to get one anyway.

    As Executive, when he took on the county goonions over pay and staffing, I was again impressed.

    I'm no longer impressed with this crooked jerk and his buddy Turkey Mullin. The sad thing is that when he's gone, they'll elect a trough feeding africanhyphenamerican to replace him and it will only get worse in Wayne County. Undoubtedly Snyder will continue to enjoy some popularity there.  

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