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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I have actually... (none / 0) (#5)
    by Crippy on Wed Jan 26, 2011 at 10:55:09 PM EST
    looked into this a while ago.  There are some that say the states themselves wanted this but I haven't found much evidence of this.  The theory goes like this: The state legislatures wanted to implement policies that were unpopular at the state and local level, i.e. welfare.  To get this implemented and not get blamed for it, they wanted the senators popularly elected knowing the populace would do as good of a job holding their senators responsible as they do their congressman.  It seems convoluted but that's what I have found.

    As far as if it was ratified, who knows?  There are some that say the 16th amendment was never actually ratified.

    The thing that irritates me is that the states always try to seek relief via the federal courts.  This seems like going into the Lion's den to me.  Governments rarely decide in favor of limiting their own power. And the federal courts love to rule that litigants don't have the proper standing to challenge a law.

    The answers that seem best to me don't seem very popular.  I guess I'm not sure how to get out this mess.  There doesn't seem to be the popular will to make real changes.


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