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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Absolutely, KRH (none / 0) (#10)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon Jan 24, 2011 at 09:42:14 PM EST
    I'm well aware that young Mr. Clark really isn't in a position to be critical of the current governor no matter how full of sh!t he or she may happen to be.  Perhaps that's one of the true ills within the MI-GOP.

    Besides, I'd be willing to put Betsy's plan to a vote today.

    She was elected state GOP chair in part because she had plenty of money connections and the party badly needed that. She was also a staunch backer of school vouchers and sending state tax dollars to private/religious schools.

      Even though Michigan voters had over the years soundly rejected the notion, DeVos was behind a third attempt to install a new school funding concept, but her boss John Engler thought the cause was a political loser, even though he supported the concept. As a statewide petition drive was unfolding and with DeVos listening in, Engler went to Mackinac Island for a conference and proceeded to declare the voucher proposal dead. Period.

    And, at the cost to everyone for ones own political expediency in attempts to be Dubya's VP, we're still messing around with a voucher concept.

    At least Betsy had a pair...


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