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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    2 days away? Might as well... (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon Jan 24, 2011 at 10:06:42 AM EST
    ...hit the ground running.

    First, KRH, thanks for the time and energy you expend bringing very important topics and events to awareness.  Perhaps it's just my life path, but when speaking in terms of politics and government decision making, the last opinion that comes to my mind is a Party Youth-Chair.  Speaking for myself it's one of those double edge issues that usually gets ignored by me due to the fact of young voters limited vested interest and the fact that these fresh minds are formed in public union protected LibTard indoctrination centers and now legally considered "children" on their mommy and daddy's healthcare eight full years past them filing their Selective Service System registration cards.  And yes, that SSS registration applies to illegal aliens age between 18 and 25 too making it yet another unenforced law broken by the gatecrashers that walk amongst us.  But, that's a topic for a whole 'nother time and place.

    Anywho, I've had a moment to sift through Mr. Clark's website along with Ms. Ledford's site and I have to say, I'm truly impressed with Ms. Ledford.  From what I read, Sarah is a take no sh!t Conservative promoter all the way, which is exactly what the MI-GOP is missing.  It's just too damned bad that our new guv from a LibTarded U of M, Rick Milliken, didn't turn out like Ms. Ledford.  I mean c'mon, Anti-Affirmative Action, Pro-Life, loves our veterans and the TEA Party movement, guns, supported Cox, against pro-abort commie Jocelyn Benson?  Damn!  You go girl!

    As for Mr. Clark, he blew it with me with his Newt-witted "Big Tent" GOP nonsense that relegates Conservatives to the back of the bus every election just for the sake a Party winner with an 'r' hanging off the ass of his or her name.

    In some areas yes, a conservative can get elected over a moderate republican.  In others though, maybe we might have to learn to live with a moderate because that's all that can be elected in that area and that is better than the liberal running.

    Sorry bub, not good enough for me anymore.  Campaign harder for the Conservative candidate and quit being a slacker.  That lesson should have been learned by anyone that was of voting age when the GOP ran Johnny "reaching across the aisle" McAmnesty in '08.  The GOP's "perfect candidate" for the Latina crowd and moderates really wouldn't have been much of an improvement over ObaMao, and only served to further reduce the GOP into the centrist disaster Dubya turned it into with his aiding and abetting Pelosi and Reid's budgets and expanse of government.

    Then it becomes even more obvious why moderates are a problem with the very moderate defense of the indefensible.

    I had the privilege of being able to watch firsthand Governor Snyder's first State of the State address.  He laid out a bold vision for Michigan, one that help put Michigan back on the right track.  Governor Snyder sees the same problems that the youth in Michigan sees and the same consequences if nothing is done to fix those problems.  Governor Snyder's insistence on bringing about serious change is exactly the sort of responsible leadership we need in Michigan.  Our elected officials have already begun work on many of the reforms the governor mentioned.

    Oh?  Really?

    Snyder said that there are no more easy answers.  Making the changes necessary to bring Michigan back will take honesty and a willingness to make difficult decisions.  Michigan needs to be competitive with our neighboring states to create jobs so our youth, most importantly our Republican Youth, can find jobs here instead of having to move away from their friends and families.

    Ah, so, Snyder making the state a bait-pile for Foreign Nationals, that will somehow help get young Republicans jobs?

    I think that Governor Snyder is going to do a fine job on getting rid of regulations and burdensome taxes like the job killing MBT.  I think government will shrink there.  Are there more areas where we can shrink government?  I'm sure there is.  I think that Governor Snyder has been in office for less than one month and we need to give him a little time and let him focus on one thing at a time...

    More time.  Is that really the answer or subterfuge for a Left leaning governor that a progressive like Brewer digs?

    I am concerned.  When it comes to Snyder's comments on his healthier living initiative, I think that our government does not have any business getting involved in anyone's personal lives.  When it comes to Snyder wanting to build another bridge to Canada, I think he is wasting money.  We do not need another bridge to Canada.

    But...but...but, that really doesn't sound to me like Alex believes what he first stated about having a moderate or little r Republican in Office actually being any better than a full fledged Dimocrat.  Give Snyder more time but he's already committed two major f#@% ups?  Why?  Sounds to me like one trying to fornicate their way to virginity.  The NAFTA Bridge is a half billion dollar U.S. taxpayer funded boondoggle that'll be extremely profitable for the Canucks whose liberal government decided to compete with a privately owned bridge.  Now our State and Federal government is jumping into that Canadian game too?  It's reprehensible.

    All in all, good luck Mr. Clark.  But, I have serious doubts in any within the GOP that sees value of merely having a Republican in Office.  The lessons of moderate once proclaimed Republicans such as Bloomberg and Specter must not be forgotten.

    To paraphrase the words once uttered by Paul Newman, "John-boy, lemme tell you something. You know, them chains ain't medals. You get 'em for making mistakes. And you make a bad enough mistake, and then you gotta deal with the Man. And he is one rough old boy."

    And, that's exactly where the GOP stands today with the moderates or RINO's that enabled the Dimocrats progressive agenda to be passed while attempting to repeal it today.  We're all now having to deal with the rough old boy of a $14 trillion dollar national debt and $112 trillion in unfunded liabilities.

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