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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I am not surprised in the least. (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Sun Jan 02, 2011 at 11:14:19 AM EST
    When you elect a RINO this is what you can expect. Obviously he didn't understand the meaning of the election. It wasn't to send Republicans to Lansing to get along with Democrats it was to STOP them. STOP the destruction of what little is left of the once greatest economy of the fifty states. We did not elect Snyder to go play nice with the Commie Libs but to knock them into last year and leave them there. His job is to undo all the damage they wrought on this state. To rectify and remedy the stupidiy that has reined here for the last eight years brought by the Destructor.
    The opportuinity that has been presented is that for the first time in my life Republicans control everything in state government. We have the Governors office, SOS, AG and the legislature and Supreme Court. We can pretty much do as we choose. I am doubtful that our shiney brand new Gov is going to make the right choices. The biggest problem for the Republicans now that they have been given the keys to the kingdom is that if they screw it up there is nobody to blame. They are it. Just like Reid and Pelosi have been repudiated in the same election that brought Republican dominence to Michigan this could happen here in four years as well.
    Governor Snyder. You were not sent to Lansing to do what the Democrats thought was best. You were sent, along with a bevy of other Republicans to undo the damage. To lower taxes, give Michigan workers a true choice in the workplace, to give us a tax system that works for everyone and is fair across the board. You were sent to Lansing to remove the regulations imposed by a leftist Marxist with the aim of containing the strenght of the American people. Set our businesses free so they can do what they do best. Produce and innovate and create jobs and wealth for the masses not just for a few.
    Some starting places would be to get rid of the MEDC, reform the prison system through privatization. Cut the number of state employees. Outlaw public sector unions. Reduce state employee pay to the same levels that the private sector provides for the same job requirements. The only things that will save Michigan are to reduce regulation and spending, pass Right to Work and the Fair tax. Cut state jobs and payrole. These are things that can be done with minimal suffering for the average citizen. But it is a good place to start.
    But if Snyder starts to listen to the Democrats that got us into this mess he won't do any better then the Czarina. We will be watching. If he does what I feel is best for this state I will be the first one to say I was wrong. But I am betting I am not. And I won't have to say those three little words unless to say "I was right."

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