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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    It seems (none / 0) (#1)
    by grannynanny on Thu Sep 16, 2010 at 02:15:30 PM EST
    as though this company is run just like the Democraps run everything else - in a deficit.  I could not survive nor would I want to live with the fact that I spend more than I earn.  So many politicians just see the gads of tax money being stolen from our wallets and don't even blink an eye at throwing it at the most assanine projects - like this battery plant or how about $800k from the stimulus for a California professor to come up with a program to teach African men who are not circumcised how to cleanse their wankers after sex!  And they want me to vote for them? I don't care what letter is behind their name or whether they voted for the stimulus or not - THEY HAVE TO GO!!!  

    They are crucifying O'Donnell because of some money issues - ya think I haven't had a few money issues in my lifetime?  There are plenty of people in this nation that have experienced hard times and based on what the establishment is telling us - that doesn't make her a legitamate candidate.  Only the east coast educated elites are knowledgable enough to represent us?  Quoting Kurt Russell in Tombstone - You tell 'em I'm coming and hell is coming with me!"  

    I hope every time the Democraps and lib Rinos sneeze between now and Nov. 2nd they crap their pants!

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