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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    So Free Markets don't empower private interests... (none / 0) (#23)
    by Seth9 on Wed Sep 15, 2010 at 06:18:42 PM EST
    Just to be clear, I am looking to Adam Smith as the textbook example of a free market economy and am assuming that his economic system is the standard for what conservative principles idealize, namely a deregulated economy where the government's function is to stop acts of theft. In this system, the ultimate goal of any corporation is to achieve a monopoly over an industry, which effectively gives the corporation control over any industry they monopolize, which allows for a form of economic oppression. Our government disrupts this through antitrust legislation, an inherently liberal concept, which I support.

    And for the record, I don't support minimum wage and I do favor Right to Work in principle (although I agree with Snyder that now is not the time to fight that battle). I also have the ability to think for myself, so I'd appreciate it if you would stop blaming our public school system for indoctrinating me against Conservative principles. Not to say that there aren't teachers who attempt to pass on their political views to their students (I once had a teacher tell me that the founding fathers would support gun control today and another grade me down for explaining why John Kerry was an idiot), but I am capable of sifting out that form of BS.

    Funnily enough, Democrats get more infuriated by me than you guys do. They get mad at me when I do things like inform them that social security and unions are socialist constructs.


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