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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Exactly (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon Aug 09, 2010 at 08:28:49 PM EST
    I've had some time to chew over the ballot this fall and I think I may end up throwing my vote for governor to one of the lesser knowns.  I just can't seem to bring myself to porking a chad for either Geoffrey Fieger Light or emperor berNero.

    However, the congresscritters that have been allowed to create the fuggin' progressive wet dream, err, mess...  Have.  To.  Go.

    What that means for me is that any so-called 'public servant' that is in office needs to be thrown out on his or her ass.  I don't care if they have an imaginary 'perfect voting record' for the past 15-20 years.... that, in itself, is thee problem.  Every damn one of them check in the roach motel known as DC... but they don't check out.

    I thank my lucky stars that in '92 we passed Section 54 of Article IV in Lansing.  With watching how the primary went, the herd would've prolly put the MoleRattler back in for another four years if they had the opportunity.

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