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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I appreciate the observance and (none / 0) (#24)
    by maidintheus on Thu Aug 05, 2010 at 01:17:06 PM EST
    it has some validity. Thing is, Snyder will do nothing to put MI on a different projection than it's on now. It will just be in the name of the Republicans. If it's going to be the same and worse...back to what was said upstream...

    We've nothing to lose and everything to gain by voting for someone other than the Dem or RHINO.

    I disagree. It's not the lack of support for Snyder that is even now having a doom/gloom effect on the GOP, quite the opposite. This 'type' of thing has been doing nothing for the GOP for some time now. The Republican Party needs to be...the Republican Party, let the Dems be Dems and so on. Again, why vote for the imitation when you can get the original.


    Valid Points But.... (none / 0) (#44)
    by Mr Galt on Sun Aug 08, 2010 at 06:06:38 PM EST
    I would normally agree with you, but in this instance I feel that Snyder is just a stealth Democrat - not merely a RiNO.  I refuse to vote for him because I believe the Progs pulled a fast-one to get two Demonrats on the ballot - albeit that Snyder will be listed w/ an "R" by his name.

    The only thing that "might" push the Michigan GOP into taking decisive action towards conservatism, is if a more conservative 3rd party candidate can peel enough votes from Snyder to give them pause.

    Whether Snyder or Bernero wins will be pretty much irrelevant, since neither of their policies are likely to make much of a positive difference - indeed, we will get nothing but pure badness from both.


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