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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    We attended the Alpena annual (none / 0) (#3)
    by RushLake on Mon Jul 05, 2010 at 06:14:37 AM EST
    Fourth of July (Quatro de Julio to Maobama and friends) parade yesterday. It was, as usual filled with patriotic floats, music, and signs. Paul Revere put in an appearance. As it is an election years we expected to see lots of politicians and were not disappointed. I was personally hoping that the condescending jerk Bart Stupak might put in an appearance for old time sake, but no such luck and I had my "Nancy Pelosi's poodle" sign ready to go just in case.

    Interesting to note that lots of candidates didn't want to identify their party affiliation, particularily the democrats and the union supporters (read Jason Allen). Dan Beneshik wasn't there, but he had a big sign and supporters that clearly identified him as a Republican. None of the gubernatorial candidates were there or represented. This is a fairly large parade in a county that should be able to be taken back from the Maobama supporters this time out too.

    The commu....er, uh Democrat Party was there with a float with a larger than lifesize picture of the messiah sans styrofoam columns(is there any other kind of such picture?). I didn't see too many takers for the crap they were handing out other than a few backward baseball hate knuckle draggers in my immediate vicinity. Strictly unscientific, but encouraging none the less.

    God bless our country and our sacred Constitution.

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