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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    A couple of things. (none / 0) (#1)
    by JGillman on Fri Jul 30, 2010 at 06:45:41 AM EST
    The service tax..
    Its what we should call the BAD part of the Michigan Fair tax.  Unenforceable.  And instead of challenging it and suggesting alternate plans AS the Fair Tax (and everyone knows I am a supporter)  Pete jumped on as is.  The competition can indeed use the service tax as a legitimate attack point.

    The Vote.

    Stealing.  Literally Stealing.  But OK, aside from the Mea Culpa Pete did, it brings a question of judgment.  He didn't have to vote for that package.  He didn't have to.  He had my vote and support up til that time.  I had talked with him a bit on his potential run.. I knew it was going to happen.  Given the TARP vote...  he should have retired.

    As to the crap floating around as the Democrats plan their November strategy, we know they lie, and will be pounding it home in their faces as a result of the fake tea party efforts.  Remember 2006?  Do you think the Democrats wouldn't have liked to get the AG office then? This special box of criminal wrongdoing rumor has no end.  Its like saying to someone in public "hey have you told your mom you pulled the whiskers off that baby seal yet?"  Folks around you will be horrified, and there is no way you can get the image out of their minds.  BS plain and simple.

    I have not plastered the front page here with pro Cox material, but yes it has been there.  I have also refrained from making Pete or the other Mike a target.

    Snyder, on the other hand is the slimiest politician, who claims not to be.  Money to cover who he truly is, paid for by you and I.  He is the type of guy we have been debating about on these pages for a couple years.  The consummate RINO.  His TOP endorser also endorsed Obama, and he has asked for Democrats to come in and pollute our primary.  I mean seriously...  

    If he wins its the end of the Republican party in Michigan as one that has a conservative component to it.  

    • In reply . . . by Kevin Rex Heine, 07/30/2010 08:10:54 AM EST (none / 0)

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