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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    I'm with the Mack Center (none / 0) (#8)
    by jenkuz on Tue Jul 13, 2010 at 10:47:07 AM EST
    Allen's corporate welfare schemes that he uses to get notoriety and uses the MEDC and MEGA to create tax advantages to certain companies, many of whom have donated to him, is the most egregious form of crony capitalism and with a record like that, he won't win the district.

    Now, I agree with the Mack Center also that the MEDC and the MEGA and targeted tax incentives must be eliminated so that businesses can all be on a level playing field.

    You own a website called Michigan Taxes Too Much.  I would think that it would settle in your conscience a bit the amount of tax dollars Allen hands out to corporations that do not produce what they promise.  Why don't they?  Because government cannot create jobs like the private sector if left to work.  Instead of using the system, Allen should have been railing against such inability for all business in Michigan to make it.  Yes, railing, not calmly discussing the attributes of the free market.  Not now, not when our State and Nation are on the edge of a cliff.  This is no ordinary year, J.  


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