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      Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

      Raise the curtain.

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      The "Idea bus"? (none / 0) (#4)
      by Corinthian Scales on Tue Jun 29, 2010 at 06:42:30 PM EST
      You gotta be fuggin kidding me.  What's Pete gonna do next?  Start calling himself "Maverick"?  They both act the same.

      And Petes' buddy Newt 'Scozzafava' Gingrich is priceless:

      "Pete and I have a long history together of fighting to uphold conservative values and reduce government spending," Gingrich said. "Pete is a true leader of Michigan and has created a strong campaign to fight for the future of this state. I am proud to help Pete spread this message so we can put Michigan back to work."

      Yah, right... F#@% 'em both and all their Moderate 'reaching across the aisle' McAmnesty like buses.

      Bouchard?  Poor Mikey... What is there left to say about him... he lost to this.  Although, it was a nice touch in his video to put Michigan Central Station in it, it's only been closed since 19-fuggin-88 when the gummint, err, Amtrak shut it down.  And, the imagery of a bombed out ghetto Detroit is way beyond the control of the MoleRattler and Lansing, like it or not.  Detroit has been screwed since '67.  Yep, I admit it.  I was a part of "White flight".  Deal with it.

      The Nerd?  Yah, he's the answer.  F#@% me!

      My only choice is obvious.  I'm not completely satisfied with it but it'll have to make do.

      • Sheeze by grannynanny, 06/29/2010 08:50:49 PM EST (none / 0)

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