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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    fair tax (none / 0) (#6)
    by Sway21 on Mon Jul 05, 2010 at 03:30:05 AM EST
    @KGOne...a prebate, or negative income tax in Milton Friedman's terms, is actually cheaper for us as a whole if, at the same time, all other forms of state assistance are eliminated.  It has the advantage of actually helping and empowering the poor by allowing them to do as they please with the money, versus what the social engineers would prefer them to do with it, and it caps the state's obligation to them.  And it helps most the truly needy.  While there may be some who choose not to work they'd hardly be growing fat on the proceeds and would likely be fewer in number than those gaming the system now.  We should try to resist the moral imperative that our fellow man work (and tend to our own efforts) lest we arrive, via the law of unintended consequences, with a situation where we're paying $2/hr in workfare accompanied by $25/hr in mandated benefits for that work!

    In my experience, accountants...oh heck, bean-counters...tend to skew Democrat.

    The Chamber of Commerce has little, if any, resistance to corporate welfare.  Remember that competition is a product of the unseen hand of the market; it is hardly a goal of business which only of necessity remains competitive.

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