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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Elections Have Consequences (none / 0) (#7)
    by MichWolverine on Tue May 25, 2010 at 12:58:06 PM EST
    Elections have consequences.  We are not being diligent enough.  It is far too easy for the ignorance and laziness to spread throughout our State.  We don't teach our children the value of personal responsibility, fiscal responsibility, etc.  Instead, we allow the liberal public schools and television to fill their little mush minds with all sorts of falsehoods, from global warming to collectivism/socialism.  Take the time to become educated, then spread your knowledge to your children, your friends and your co-workers.  We must take Michigan back!  If we don't, there will be no hope for this State.  I am stunned by the number of my co-workers in the banking industry who simply repeat the talking points from the Obama administration.  They are ignorant of the fact that only one political party is out to take over and destroy the banking industry and, along with it, our jobs.  Instead of reading or watching the news, they spend their time watching mind-numbing reality shows and discussing their favorite 'Idol' contestant.  C'mon people!  There are long-reaching decisions being made every single day, and you're asleep at the wheel!  Wake up before it's too late!

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