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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    The big issue (none / 0) (#8)
    by LookingforReagan on Fri Apr 16, 2010 at 06:13:39 PM EST
    In making energy cheap is to get government out of the way. While I agree that a design for a reactor should be choosen and standardized to make construction easier. Whenever I see a government subsidy for anything it tells me loud and clear that 1) it isn't going to be cheap 2) if government has to bribe me to buy it it must be junk. That goes for hybrid cars, ethonol and green energy scams such as wind or solar. If the oil companies were allowed to drill for oil where they know the oil is then it will go far to easing the energy issues in the country. But that isn't the agenda. Because of the foolishness of the Socialists in Europe our Dear Leader believes we should also pay $8.00 a gallon for gas because the Yurps do it. Let loose the retraints on production and we can fuel the world. We have more oil, coal and natural gas then nearly all of the other energy producing countries of the world combined. Oil would be cheap if the idustry is left to it's own devices. But burdensome Government regulations and increasingly onerous taxes have driven prices up and supply down. It is time to free the energy industry from the boot heel of government. When was the last time we built a new refinery?And remember not just heating oil and gasoline and diesel are made from oil. Plastics come from petroleum as do fertilizers. As oil rises in price everything will continue to rise in prices. Ask yourself how much plastic we use in this country and around the world. Since I have been in the injection molding industry I have seen consumption rise from a hundred million tons to billions of tons just in the US. There is no industry that is not served by the plastics industry. All of these things contribute to the consumption of oil. The Pentagon is saying that severe oil shortages can be expected by 2015. We don't have much time.

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