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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Bart Stupak (none / 0) (#1)
    by LookingforReagan on Mon Mar 22, 2010 at 01:11:04 AM EST
    His name should become one of the most reviled in American history. Michigan's version of Judas Escariot. Wonder what his thirty pieces of silver will buy.
    His vote gives proof to the lie that there is such a thing as a pro-life Democrat.
    This bill is designed to do one thing. Allow the government of the United States to legally commit genocide against the citizens of this country. I guess after they spent all of that Social Security money they ripped off in the first place they don't want to pay it back. I guess because they don't have it. Social Security has 40 trillion in unfunded liabilities and Medicare has another 60 trillion. That is one hundred trillion dollars of our money supposedly set aside for our retirement years that Progressives have squandered on Social Welfare programs since the advent of the Great Society. Now they can't pay and they will make us pay with our lives. As boomers retire in greater and greater numbers it will get worse. Costs will continue to rise and quality of care will neccesarily diminish as fewer young people enter the medical field. With up to 40% of current doctors threatening to retire or move elsewhere the current shortage will get even worse with the addition of another 37 million insured.
    The one big lie is this. They say people are denied health care. That is false. Just because you don't have health "coverage" does not equate to lack of treatment or care. It has been illegal in this country since the early seventies to deny medical care to anyone in this country. The victims parade used by the Marxist Progressives has been proven to be made up or at the least embellished.

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