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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    re: institutional knowledge (none / 0) (#5)
    by Tom McMillin on Sat Mar 20, 2010 at 06:42:55 PM EST
    Good post, KG.
    The big thing the anti-term limits people often turn to is something like, "About the time a representative figures out how Lansing works, they're term limited."

    That's bull.  First, saying that a legislator has to "figure out how Lansing works" means that the bureaucrats are running the show.  NO -- in actuality, "Lansing" should have to figure out how legislators (and the voters who sent them) want our government to work.

    Second - can you imagine landing a new job, but on the first day, going to your boss and saying, "you know, in the interview, I did say I could hit the ground running...but really, its likely to take a couple years for me to do what you want and what others could do quickly.  Hope you don't mind."

    Finally - there's a reason almost every lobbyist wants to eliminate term-limits.  Its so much easier for them to go to two or three power brokers in the legislature and get what they want.  But with term-limits, there just isn't as much structure, the mix changes often, so there are no strong power-brokers (as a matter of fact, one terms power-broker is often next term's lame-duck sideliner).  And lobbyists are frustrated -- i'll bet it often took longer than six years to break down some good legislators in the past.  And now, by the time they get the legislator doing what they want, he's term limited and they have to start all over.

    Term limits gives citizens a guarantee that regularly they will be given either a good/competitive primary and/or general election.  A part-time legislature would be even better - and would make it so term-limited legislators weren't spending their last two years looking for a place to land, because they'd have to actually have a real job at the same time as being a legislator.  Its also a job that could easily be done in a couple months each year (or three months every two years like Texas).

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