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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Greedy and stupid (none / 0) (#2)
    by Rougman on Tue Feb 16, 2010 at 07:04:10 PM EST
    Michigan had a shot to pull this thing back together a few years ago.  Admittedly, Granholm did inherit a fair number of problems, but the outlook was not so bleak that a wise executive could not have put Michigan business on sound footing.

    Instead, like all socialist dreamers, she spent the first few years of her administration paying back her favorite constituencies with a bag of expensive goodies, and then spent the rest trying to mold the state's economy like it was so much play-doh. In the process she added to the taxpayer burden while reducing the number of taxpayers.  

    Our governor is incapable of thinking like an entrepreneur, and therefore is incapable of determining what efforts on the part of a state government would help to attract and retain jobs.  Good grief, when she hired a CEO for the state she hired a labor lawyer.  Doesn't that tell you anything?

    We have at least three generations of hardened labor activists in this state that give Michigan the well-earned badge of having the most adversarial work force in the US.  We have had too many years of progressives in office that have done their best to slather big labor with every perk they can envision.  Then, after years of watching serious problems develop, when things begin to look extremely bleak, the progressive solution is not to change the way that they do business, but rather to force consumers and taxpayers to adhere to the failing model...bigger government, more regulation, protectionism, taxes, taxes, taxes.

    This outcome was predictable and it was predicted.  Big government and big labor were either too stupid to listen or too greedy to care.  I think it is both.

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