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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    DPS Is Corrupt (none / 0) (#46)
    by MichWolverine on Mon Dec 13, 2010 at 04:58:20 PM EST
    The people running Detroit, as well as the Detroit Public Schools, can easily be described as ignorant, corrupt, Socialists, Marxists and criminals.  The same could be said thirty years ago and thirty years from now -- unless something changes.
    That is why we must take the 'education' of Detroit's children out of the hands of those adults.  
    When I say that a charter school system needs to be implemented, I'm not talking about having any of those people involved.  In fact, they would be barred from participation.
    Only an outside organization could be successful.  That is why charter schools are succeeding in other large urban cities.  The locals, the politicians and the unions are all shut out.
    For 7 1/2 hours every day, those children are in a safe, clean environment; and are not subjected to any outside, destructive influences.  They are not propped up with false self-esteem currently being promoted by public schools, but instead become proud of their own earned accomplishments.
    For anyone who says the problem is too big, I say to them that we need to start somewhere -- because the alternative will be: 1)Best case scenario, more of the same; or 2) Worst case scenario, a lot more of same (to the point where the ignorant, criminal, dependent sector of society overtakes the rest of us).
    What's that motto again?  Oh, yes.  "Keeping them Dumb and Dependent, keeps them Democrats."  It's what the liberal progressives count on.  They want to re-make (destroy) this country, and they are using the inner-cities to do it.
    A child taught to use their brain and skills (instead of a gun or a welfare card), is one step closer to becoming a productive member of society.  The only way they will grow up to reject everything they see and hear around them will be to equip them with the mental tools to do so.

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