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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Well I hope (none / 0) (#2)
    by LookingforReagan on Thu Dec 30, 2010 at 05:55:34 PM EST
    To hell that nobody thinks they can depend on Congressman Upton. The linquini spined little RINO rat that decided that incandesent light bulbs were bad for the planet. He is a boob, dumb as a post. Why Cry baby Boehner decided to appoint that incompetent idgit to anything is beyond me. It doesn't fill me with a warm and fuzzy feeling for the future when I see what the Big Bawl Baby is doing with Chairmanships. To tell you the truth I get more information and action from Thad McCotters office then I do from my own Congressman. I live in the 6th District clear on the other side of the state from Thad. At least McCotters people are polite and professional when you call. Not like the intolerent whining little bed wetters that Upton employes. We really need to make a concerted effort to be rid of Reddy Freddy. He has worn out his welcome. We don't need him any longer. He can't be counted on and is unreliable as hell. He should have been defeated in the last election cycle. We must make sure it happens in the next.

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