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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

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    Here in Kent County . . . (none / 0) (#5)
    by Kevin Rex Heine on Tue Dec 21, 2010 at 10:27:57 AM EST
    . . . we residents choose for ourselves which of four or five trash service companies we will "contract with" for our garbage removal.  The billing is done on a quarterly basis, and any resident can change their service at any time before the next quarter starts.  Each trash service provider uses visually distintive containers, so as to make it clear to the truck crews which addresses they're servicing.

    In my neighborhood in Kentwood, yesterday was trash day.  At the various appointed times, the trucks of the assorted companies rumbled down the neighborhood roads and dutifully attended to their tasks in a fairly efficient manner.  So far as I can tell, no undue damage (aggregate or otherwise) has ever been done to our streets by these trucks in the year and a half that I've lived here.  Nor am I aware of any neighbors complaining about noise problems.

    And before you ask, as the neighborhood Republican Precinct Delegate, I take my responsibility seriously and make it a point to stay in touch with my neighbors . . . and not just on political issues.

    Contrary to the Keynesian-Socialist philosophy that so permeates economic policy debates these days, unrestricted competition is the only reliable method to keeping the final cost to the consumer as low as possible.  Regardless of the alleged financial savings, any government-approved (and thus government-protected) monopoly ultimately screws the end-use consumer . . . period.  As you and I know, Jason, in any such discussion, the solution that advances the cause of true liberty for the people is always the best choice . . . bar none.

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